Welcome! Today, we will explore the concept of Apostolic Succession, which connects the faithful to Christ's ministry. As a bishop and teacher, I will explain this profound doctrine in a simple yet informative way.

What is Apostolic Succession?
Apostolic Succession is the uninterrupted passing down of spiritual authority and teachings from the original apostles to their successors, the bishops, throughout the generations. It preserves the fullness of the Gospel and the Sacraments, maintaining unity and integrity within the Church.
Biblical Basis
Apostolic Succession finds its roots in the Holy Scriptures, where Jesus gave His authority to the apostles, instructing them to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). The apostles then appointed successors, carrying on their ministry.
Historical Continuity
The unbroken chain of Apostolic Succession can be traced throughout Christian history. The apostles ordained successors who, in turn, ordained the next generation. This living link continued through the ages, preserving the truth against heresy and division.
Grace and Authority
Apostolic Succession transfers both grace and authority. The laying on of hands in ordination carries the grace of the Holy Spirit, empowering bishops to shepherd their flocks and administer the Sacraments with divine efficacy.
Unity and Catholicity
Apostolic Succession fosters unity within the Church, uniting bishops across geographical and cultural boundaries. It ensures the authentic transmission of faith, transcending time.
The Blessing of Continuity
Apostolic Succession is a blessed continuity that safeguards the Church from deviations and innovations. It anchors us to the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3).
Apostolic Succession is a living reality that sustains the Church's spiritual DNA. It connects us to Christ and His apostles. Let us cherish this inheritance, nurturing our faith through the apostolic heritage that remains as steadfast as the rock upon which Christ built His Church.
From the Episcopal Desk of,
+Martin Wilson
The College of Sacred Servants, President & Co-Founder
Ecclesia Ecumenical Leadership, Presiding Prelate
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